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8 days ago

Two U.S. Representatives visit Binance exec in Nigeria’s prison, call for release


8 days ago

Tigran Gambaryan is a Binance executive and a U.S. citizen. He was arrested in February and is facing money-laundering charges related to his involvement with the crypto exchange.


U.S. lawmakers Rep. French Hill and Rep. Chrissy Houlahan visited Tigran Gambaryan in Kuje Prison in Nigeria around June 20, 2024.


Gambaryan, who is facing money-laundering charges due to his involvement with the crypto exchange, has been detained in Nigeria since February.


During their visit, the lawmakers found Gambaryan in difficult conditions, suffering from malaria and double pneumonia.


They found him suffering from the conditions while he is being imprisoned, he has malaria and double pneumonia, and he reports that he has lost significant weight. Furthermore, he is being denied access to adequate medical attention.


They have urged the U.S. embassy in Nigeria to seek the release of Gambaryan on humanitarian grounds.


The lawmakers have also asked for advocacy for the humanitarian release of Gambaryan due to the horrible conditions in the prison, his innocence, and his health


However, the Nigerian government has responded to these allegations, stating that Gambaryan’s health is not deteriorating and that he has access to quality medical care. The case is ongoing, and Gambaryan continues to deny the charges.


On June 14, Nigeria government dropped tax evasion charges against Tigran. The two U.S. representatives also ask for the remaining charges dropped. And bring Tigran back to the U.S., where he belongs.

The two Representatives said that at the time of his arrest, he was working as a contract employee at Binance and was instrumental in criminal investigations and compliance in cooperation with Nigerian authorities.


Rep. French Hill was among the signatories of a June 4 letter to President Joe Biden urging him to work for Gambaryan's release. 



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