BTC 60,434.00$ -3.40% ETH 3,338.28$ -2.96% USDT 1.00$ -0.05% BNB 565.31$ -2.46% SOL 146.57$ -0.93% USDC 1.00$ +0.01% STETH 3,338.86$ -2.95%
2 days ago

Users pay Bitcoin fees nearly as much as Ethereum in Q2 2024


2 days ago


In Q2  2024 users paid $440 million in Bitcoin fees. While users paid $441 million in Ethereum fees.


IntoTheBlock on X: "In the past quarter, total Ethereum and Bitcoin transaction fees were nearly identical For Bitcoin, this represents an increase, largely due to the introduction of Runes. In contrast, Ethereum fees have significantly decreased as more transactions shifted to Layer 2 solutions.

In Q2 2024, the transaction fees for Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) were nearly the same.


This is a significant change as historically; Bitcoin transaction fees have frequently been lower than those on Ethereum.


The increase in Bitcoin fees can be attributed to several factors.


Bitcoin’s limited block size leads to congestion and increased competition for block space, resulting in slower transaction speeds compared to Ethereum.


Bitcoin transaction fees are determined by transaction size and network congestion.


On the other hand, Ethereum fees are driven by gas consumption, which increases with the complexity of operations or smart contracts.


However, Ethereum users paid 63% less fees during this window compared to the last quarter.


This could be due to the Ethereum Consensus Layer upgrade (formerly known as Ethereum 2.0), which is predicted to reduce Ethereum transaction fees.


Moreover, the integration of EIP-4844 introduced “blobs”, which significantly reduced transaction fees for layer-2 blockchains and encouraged greater on-chain activity.


In conclusion, while both Bitcoin and Ethereum operate on blockchain technology, there are key differences in how they handle transactions, which can lead to variations in transaction fees.


This year Bitcoin’s transaction fees have been increased to the same level as Ethereum. While, Ethereum transaction fees have been reduced because layer-2 scaling solutions help Ethereum alleviate its network congestion.

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