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2 days ago

XAI, APT, ARB, and ALT will have the biggest token unlock in July


2 days ago


1. Xai (XAI)

Xai is an Ethereum Layer-3 gaming network built on top of Arbitrum. It’s developed in part by Offchain Labs, the developer behind the Arbitrum network.


Xai is designed to create blockchain gaming. It supports true ownership of unique, in-game items, and tokenized economies.


Xai introduces parallel processing and advancements for enhanced scalability, efficiency, and cost reduction.


Xai mitigates the issue of gas fees in blockchain gaming by leveraging an innovative gas subsidy contract, completely eliminating gas fees and making in-game actions low friction for players.


XAI’s token XAI is the native gas token of Xai.


Xai (XAI) will unlock 198 million tokens on July 9, valued at $84.2 million, representing 7.92% of max supply.


2. Aptos (APT)

Aptos will unlock 11.3 million tokens on July 12, valued at $80.5 million, allocated for foundation, community, and investors, representing 1.02% of total supply


Aptos (APT) is blockchain platform. It was founded by Avery Ching and Mo Shaikh in October 20223. The blockchain is built with Move, a Rust-based programming language created for Diem, Facebook’s defunct blockchain project.


Aptos aims to create a scalable, fast blockchain in line with Diem’s original goal.


3. Arbitrum (ARB)

Arbitrum will unlocking 92.6 million tokens on July 16, valued at $73.9 million, distribute to team, investors, and advisors, representing 0.926% of max supply


Arbitrum is a Layer 2 scaling solution for the Ethereum blockchain. It was designed to facilitate low-cost smart contracts with high throughput. Arbitrum uses a technology known as an optimistic rollup.


4. AltLayer (ALT)

AltLayer will be unlocking 684 million tokens on July 25, representing 6.84% of max supply, valued $115 million, to team, investors, advisers, protocol development, treasury ecosystem and community.


AltLayer is a platform that lets developers to launch restaked rollups with both optimistic and zk rollup stacks.


It integrates proprietary technology with restaking to make any rollup decentralized and secure.


AltLayer offers a rollup framework called Restaked Rollups and customizes rollups with versatile rollup stacks, data availability solutions, and toolings.


ALT token can be used for staking in protocols that support restaking.

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