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3 days ago

Chainlink launches Data Streams on Avalanche mainnet


3 days ago


On June 27, 2024, Chainlink announced that Chainlink Data Streams has officially launched on Avalanche, with GMX a leading onchain perpetual and spot exchange as a launch partner.


GMX is the second largest decentralized exchange on Avalanche. It will use Data Streams to help power its decentralized perpetual exchange.


Chainlink Data Streams is a feature of the Chainlink network that provides low-latency delivery of market data off-chain, which can be verified on-chain.


This allows decentralized applications (dApps) to have on-demand access to high-frequency market data backed by a decentralized and transparent infrastructure.


Advantages of Chainlink Data Streams

Pull-Based Oracle Design

Unlike traditional push-based oracles that provide regular updates on-chain when certain price thresholds or update time periods have been met, Chainlink Data Streams is built using a new pull-based oracle design that maintains trust-minimization using on-chain verification.


This means you can retrieve the data in a report and use it on-chain any time.



Pull-based oracles deliver data on-chain more efficiently by retrieving and verifying the data only when the application needs it.


For example, a decentralized exchange might retrieve a Data Streams report and verify the data on-chain when a user executes a trade.


Use Cases

Pull-based oracles allow decentralized applications to access data that is updated at a high frequency and delivered with low latency, enabling several new use cases such as Perpetual Futures, Options, and Prediction Markets.


Integration with Chainlink Automation

When combined with Chainlink Automation, Chainlink Data Streams allows decentralized applications to automate trade execution, mitigate frontrunning, and limit bias or adverse incentives in executing non-user-triggered orders.

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